Non medical prescribing

Non-medical prescribing contacts

Anna Young, NMP development lead, SY Workforce and Training Hub (Part of the HEE Training Hubs Regional Network)

For general enquires and to register as a non-medical prescriber:

Kerry Wade

0114 3051133

Non-medical prescribing framework

The Non-Medical Prescribing Framework can be found on the Non-Medical Prescribing page of the primary care training hub.

How to register as a non-medical prescriber

NMP Procedure

Supporting information resources for non-medical prescribers

Medicines & Prescribing pages

This page contains local information and guidance for healthcare professionals to support safe, cost-effective and evidence based use of medicines.  NMP are encouraged to become familiar with the resources on here.  Updates to the Sheffield formulary and local prescribing guidelines are communicated via the APG round up, circulated via the GP bulletin. They can also be found here;

Information and resources provided on this website are for guidance only and individual decisions should be based on the prescriber’s clinical and professional judgement.

Medicines Information Signposting Guidance

This signposting guidance has been devised to direct health care professionals in primary care to the appropriate resource when they require an answer to their medicines information query

NMP (SharePoint) page

The NMP page for South Yorkshire is a page of resources for you as a prescriber. It contains the NMP framework which is there to support your prescribing practice and help guide your employer. It has the links to the upcoming CPD prescribing events and the recordings of the previous ones, as well as many more resources to help support and develop your prescribing practice.

SPS resources to support medicines queries in primary care

This document suggests resources for use in primary care to answer medicines-related questions

Management and control of prescription forms

The purpose of this document is to help health organisations and health professionals with the effective and safe management, storage, distribution and usage of prescription forms, by recommending and outlining best practice solutions to the various issues around prescriptions management

Antibiotic Guardian

Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats facing us today. Become an antibiotic guardian and make a pledge to support this campaign.  See chapter 5 of the Sheffield formulary

Continuous Professional Development

This is a link to clinical educational topics produced by NICE

The website provides educational modules on medicines which have been written for healthcare professionals responsible for prescribing, supplying or administering medicines. They can be used by:

  • trainee healthcare professionals
  • established clinicians to refresh and update their knowledge
  • clinicians moving from one specialty to another

The modules cover clinically-relevant aspects of medicines regulation as well as topics on the risks of commonly-prescribed specific classes of medicines.

Medicines Code

This document links to the Sheffield CCG medicines code, a guide for the safe and secure handling of medicines.  For further information on specific issues also see;

Good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devicesGMC.

This document provides advice on good practice in prescribing and managing medicines and devices produced by the general medical council.

Lost/stolen prescriptions

This document details how to report lost, stolen or fraudulent prescriptions.

A Competency Framework for all Prescribers - GPhC

This is the link to the competency framework for all prescribers

Top tips for safer prescribing

This is a document on strategies for safer prescribing which has useful hints and tips

Clinical Quality

The CCG ensures commissioning of high quality and safe services from NHS and Independent providers. This involves gaining assurance that: 

  • patients are safe during contact with health care
  • the most effective care and treatment is delivered
  • patients have the best possible outcomes
  • national quality targets and regulatory standards are met
  • there are safeguards for vulnerable children and adults
  • feedback from patients and families is listened to and improvements are made to services
  • concerns relating to quality and safety are managed and addressed.

Practice Support

This intranet page provides links to previous newsletters and bulletins and useful information to support clinicians in practice

Last updated on 30/08/2023 by KerryWade